• Email:tjordan@tnjcounselling.com.au
  • phone:0455 113 430

Forensic Services

Forensic Services are available to men and woman who are currently not on active or current orders pertaining to violent offending and wishing to address issues relating to their mental health concerns

With having considerable experience and qualifications in working within the criminal justice system Tanya provides services to a variety of organisations, agencies and individuals who are currently involved within the criminal justice system.

What is forensic Social Work?

Forensic Social Work is the application of psychological theory and skills to the understanding and functioning of the legal system. Tanya works with men before, during and after they have been involved in legal processes and consults with various agencies on the management of risk and psychological matters.

What is forensic Social Work?

To identify level of risk and treatment targets by using evidence based risk assessments tools such as The Violence Risk Scale (VRS), The Spousal Assault Risk Assessment (SARA) and The Hare Psychopathy Checklist: Screening Version (PCL:SV)

Documentation supporting victims of family violence e.g. Statutory declaration relating to family violence

Knowledge of the reducing re-offending literature and applying the theory to practice

Court reports – pre sentence reports, risk and needs assessments and treatment plans

Treatment of specific problem behaviours related to violent offending

Services are available to men woman who are currently not on active or current orders pertaining to violent offending wishing to address issues relating mental health concerns.

Mental health services are available to men and women who have contact with the criminal justice system and are experiencing difficulties in managing their mental health e.g. anxiety and depression. If an up to date Mental Health Care Plan is made available counselling can be claimed through Medicare. Please be advised that there will be a gap fee charged

For any services regarding assessment and treatment please call to make an appointment or submit your enquiry via our quick online form

Current locations

Craigieburn Junction Specialist Centre

420-440 Craigieburn Road
Level 2, Suite 2.11
Craigieburn, Victoria, 3064
Phone Number: (03) 7379 4261
Availability: Friday 9.30am – 4.30pm

Hi, my name Is Tanya how can I help you today?